Where the Wild Things Are
Documenting the Wildlife Corridors of Cornwall VT
Tracking Connection is working with the Cornwall Conservation Commission to complete a 2-year study of Cornwall's wildlife habitat "connectors," to better understand how large mammals live in and travel between the town's forested habitat blocks.
Wildlife Sightings Wanted
Anyone can contribute to the Cornwall project by documenting their wildlife sightings, track & sign observations, roadkill reports, and trail camera captures on the iNaturalist website and smartphone app.
Visit iNaturalist.org to create a free account and download the app.
Primary Target Species:
Bobcat, Black Bear, Fisher, Mink, River Otter & Moose
Secondary Targets:
Coyote, Red Fox, Gray Fox, Porcupine, Beaver, Deer
Adopt a Winter Wildlife Survey Route
We are also looking for volunteers willing to "adopt" a wildlife survey route for Winter 2024 & 2025. You do not need to be an expert tracker to take part, but rather willing to go out a few days after each fresh snowfall (or as often as possible) to walk along a road edge and note any wildlife crossings
Email trackingconnection@gmail.com
for more information or to sign up
Routes Available:
Snake Mountain Road
Ledgemont Lane/Lemon Fair Drive
Cider Mill Road
Fisher Road
Sperry Road
Delong Road
Galvin Road
Route 30 near Clark Road​
Volunteer Materials
Video Tutorial:
Documenting Tracks on iNaturalist
Mink Tracks