Have a story to share?
Thanks for your interest in our Tracking Story Night. This is a community-generated event that depends on storytellers like you!
We are currently accepting submissions for our April 6 event: Awakening.
Story guidelines:
Your story should relate to wildlife tracking and the theme of the night: Awakening (open to your interpretation)
Your story should be told, not read;
Your story should be true and personal;
Your story should take 7 mins or less to tell; and
Your story should have a beginning, a middle, and an ending.
Whether you are a practiced story-spinner or wanting to try something new, this is a friendly and supportive audience, excited to hear what you have to share.
Initial submission deadline: April 1 (after that, we'll only accept submissions if we have extra storyteller spots open).
Questions? Contact Sophie at trackingconnection@gmail.com